Sermons by Bob Vincent and Others
Bob Vincent  |  Texarkana, Texas
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Pastor Robert Benn Vincent
Trinity Presbyterian Church
2623 N Robison Road
Texarkana, TX 75501
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Bob Vincent
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Wall of Enmity
Series:  Tear down that Wall  · 1 of 5
4/16/2023 (SUN)
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Ephesians 2:14 speaks about a dividing wall of hostility. This was a barrier that warned non-Jews they would be killed if they went beyond this point in the Temple.

Hostility is part of human history going back to Cain's murdering his brother Able in Genesis 4:8. He resented Able and was jealous of him (Genesis 4:4-7).

Alexander the Great and his four successors sought to create a world without conflict, so that everyone would speak a common language with a common culture and religion. But he spread this through violence, and the Greeks became the most brutal persecutors of the Jews in the Ancient world (2 Maccabees 6:10 with 2 Maccabees 7:3-7).

That is why the accusation that Paul brought Greeks into the temple was so serious (Acts 21:27-29).

Jesus sought unity, too, but he did so by allowing himself to be tortured, taking on himself the hatred and jealousy of depraved humanity (Ephesians 2:13-16).

As we look at Christianity in the first century, we discover that the Jews did not want non-Jews to become their equals, and so they became very jealous when they were included in the Gospel invitation (Acts 13:44-48; 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16). We also find great opposition from the pagans (Acts 14:8-18).

But even after having been stoned, Paul pressed on so that people would know the Lord (Acts 14:19-20).

Do we love our neighbors that way?
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Bob Vincent
Wall of Enmity

Tear down that Wall
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Bob Vincent
Wall of Enmity

Tear down that Wall
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  Bob Vincent
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