Striking at the 2nd Amendment
Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Striking at the 2nd Amendment
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1153 of 1654
4/18/2022 (MON)
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It seems that every time there's a shooting of some kind, there's a call for new gun laws. This often takes a strike at the 2nd Amendment of our constitution. Interestingly, the vast majority of mass shootings take place in gun-free zones.

The Biden administration hasn't been friendly to the 2nd Amendment and this program looked at some of the latest moves by them to chip away at gun rights.

Joining Jim for the latest news on this issue was Mike Hammond. Mike is the legislative counsel for Gunowners of America.

The program began by looking at mass shootings, with one having taken place as recently as this past weekend. With all these shootings, doesn't that signal the need for gun control?

Mike responded by saying that the reason these shootings are happening is due to the amount of attention given to them along with the desire for the 15 minutes of fame that the shooters are seeking. He went on to note that we began with New York and Sacramento, two of the most heavily regulated, biggest gun control jurisdictions in America. Gun control hasn't worked there and what we're seeing is a replication by disturbed people who are watching what's taking place in other jurisdictions and they want in on the action.

Conversation them moved to the mall shooting in Columbia, South Carolina. It's been reported that the suspect is out of jail on a $25,000 bond and can return to his day job as long as he wears a monitoring bracelet.

There's more to hear including calls from Crosstalk listeners around the nation.
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Striking at the 2nd Amendment

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Striking at the 2nd Amendment

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