The Briefing 06-02-14
Albert Mohler | The Briefing
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.  |  Louisville, Kentucky
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Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
2825 Lexington Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40280
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Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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The Briefing 06-02-14
Series:  Cultural Commentaries  · 170 of 2455
6/2/2014 (MON)
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1) SBC affiliated church attempt to establish “Third Way” on gay marriage no middle way Why There's No “Third Way” on Gay Marriage, Patheos (Tony Jones) Southern Baptist pastor accepts his gay son, changes his church, Patheos (John Shore) 2) Secularism of China clashes with Protestant Christians Church-State Clash in China Coalesces Around a Toppled [...]
SERIES 170 OF 2455
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Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Briefing 06-02-14

Cultural Commentaries
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Albert Mohler | The Briefing
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Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Briefing 06-02-14

Cultural Commentaries
Albert Mohler | The...
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MaryContact via email (6/2/2014)
from Iowa
“ Great Sermon! ”
Where on earth will we Christians live in peace? Everywhere we go the homosexual community is seeping out into public with no restraints on them. Could we have two or three segregated state or

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   The Briefing 06-30-15 • 6/30/2015 | 3 posts
   The Briefing 08-21-14 • 8/21/2014 | 3 posts
  Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
R. Albert Mohler, Jr. (born October 19, 1959) is the current president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, the ninth person to hold that position. Mohler is also the host of The Albert Mohler Program a nationwide radio show which is described on...

Listen to more sermons by this speaker | more
   Albert Mohler on Joel Osteen • 2/9/2008 | 29,800+ downloads
   Satan Cannot Sing • 10/30/2011 | 18,300+ downloads
   Q&A Session with Dr. Al Mohler • 9/27/2011 | 16,400+ downloads

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