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The Scripture-Driven Church Broadcast
Dr. Paul M. Elliott  |  Westminster, Maryland
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FREE RESOURCE OFFER at the End of Each Broadcast
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Blog Item7/20/18 3:11 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Jim Allis | United Kingdom

Hi Jim.

I feel your burden for the deep things of
Many believers are fed pablum and have not
idea about the privilege of knowing God and
delivering his truths to others.

I evangelize alone when pressed with so much
knowledge of him and his Christ. I cannot
contain myself at times and go alone;
although, it is believed that two should go.
A threefold cord is not easily broken.
However, each time I go people always listen
with concentration. None so far, has been
rude. I think they want living water.
God moves in spite of me.

So I hope doors of opportunity open soon for
you to enter.

Blog Item7/20/18 8:52 AM
Jim Allis | United Kingdom  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jim Allis
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Hello Paul, you may remember me from some
years ago I contacted you for help regarding
the state of churches being influenced by
false teachers. At that time we entered into
a little correspondence and you kindly sent
me a copy of one of Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones
books which was just right for me at the
time. I am an evangelist only retired
because only one church invites me to
preach. So I write and hope to put the
printed page into peoples hands through
booklets on important matters as you
yourself do. I like you weere have been of
late 2018 been very exercised in my spirit
to write booklerts based on Being rooted in
Christ and built uip in Him. I fear in Great
Britain where I live thisd is not happening
even in many evangelical churches. Topical
sermions seem to be the rage and verse b y
verse exposition is seen in very few
churchews here comarpred with the many so
called evangelical churches here. Why is
that? I hear "People will not listen to that
kind of preaching. Even the church to which
I belong fails in this area of ministry. I
am writing a series of booklets based on
'Rooted and built up in Christ'. I am so
thankful I can write to people like yourself
to both commend and ask you for helpful
advice. Possibly the reason I am not asked
to preach in retirement .Help !! Jim

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