Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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Gender & Marriage War
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1181 of 1657
6/7/2022 (TUE)
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Regular listeners to Crosstalk know we are in a war; a war between a biblical worldview and a secular worldview. It shows up in areas such as creation vs. evolution, life vs. killing the unborn, global governance vs. national sovereignty, and more.

Some of the more prevalent battles taking place in society today are the battles over gender and marriage. So we're seeing news stories about "drag queen" story hours, restroom debates, gender reassignment surgeries, biological males playing on female athletic teams, and more.

This is the result of many in society abandoning the authority of God's Word and instead asking the question: Did God really say that?

To help equip students, parents, Christian leaders, pastors and others to uphold the truths of Scripture on these critical issues, Jim welcomed Bodie Hodge. Bodie is a speaker author and researcher at Answers in Genesis and a member of the Editorial Review Board. He's been involved with many books and DVD's and is a regular speaker in the Creation Museum Speaker Series. He's the author, co-author or editor of numerous books including being co-editor of a book discussed on this broadcast, The Gender & Marriage War.

When did this war begin? Bodie noted that it began with sin but he suggested that moving ahead to the 1960's and '70's is when, "...the modern gender and marriage war really started to take place."

He went on to describe how in the late 1700's/early 1800's a big shift was taking place in the West. When looking at various subjects, people began rejecting God's Word. One of those was creation.
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Gender & Marriage War

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Gender & Marriage War

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