The Scripture-Driven Church Broadcast
Dr. Paul M. Elliott  |  Westminster, Maryland
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Dr. Paul M. Elliott
323 sermons
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Would You Tear Off the Roof? (Pt 2)
Series:  Evangelism  · 2 of 2
5/30/2010 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Mark 2:1-12
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One of the keys characteristic of a Scripture-driven church is that it practices Bible-based evangelism: Doing evangelism God’s way; preaching the Gospel in its fullness; and, trusting God for the results.

As in the case the paralytic of Mark chapter two, people need for us to bring them to Christ. And, as in this Biblical account, God often works through multiple people to bring someone to Christ. Bringing a lost soul to Christ involves effort, such as those four men expended. It also involves determination, such as they showed when they didn't even let an overflow crowd or the roof of a building stand in their way.

But in all of our efforts we need to remember that it is God who does the saving. Four men brought the paralytic to Jesus. It took effort, determination, and inconvenience. But that was where their abilities ended. They couldn’t heal him physically. Far less could they take care of his deeper need of salvation from his sins. But Jesus could do both.

Today, our job is to witness to people, bring them within the sound of Gospel preaching, and prayerfully trust God the Holy Spirit for the results. That's our focus this week in part two of our message from Mark 2:1-12.
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Dr. Paul M. Elliott
Would You Tear Off the Roof? 2

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Dr. Paul M. Elliott
Would You Tear Off the Roof? 2

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