Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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Socialism: Lessons from Cuba
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 982 of 1656
7/21/2021 (WED)
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William Federer is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc, a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage.

According to William, what we're seeing now is the people of Cuba saying that they've had enough and want freedom.

Why is Black Lives Matter blaming the U.S. for the problems in Cuba? Why has President Biden opened the floodgates at our border with Mexico and is lifting sanctions on the export of gas to Venezuela yet threatening Cubans bound for the U.S.? What lessons should we draw from Cuba? These are just a few of the questions William tackles on this edition of Crosstalk.
SERIES 982 OF 1656
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Jim Schneider
Socialism: Lessons from Cuba

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Jim Schneider
Socialism: Lessons from Cuba

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