The Inspiring Word for June 2015
The Inspiring Word at Blue Ridge Church
Dr. Terry Cheek  |  Marion, North Carolina
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The Inspiring Word for June 2015
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The Inspiring Word

Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D.

Welcome back and thank you for visiting our article. For the month of June we find in the Beatitudes a continuation of the summary statement that reflects the basic character of the Christian’s life. Our scripture this month is Matthew 5:14-16, this passage from the Sermon on the Mount describes the Christian as light of the world. We can accurately state this passage describes the essential mission of the Christian to the World. Last month we can, in reflection, say we discovered the condition of the Christian in being the preservation of God’s word to the lost condition of mankind. That condition coupled with this mission gives us a very good look at how the Lord has equipped the Christian to carry out the Great Commission.

Notice that Jesus is personal in His approach. He speaks directly to the disciples; Ye are. There is no mistake or misunderstanding who the Lord is speaking to. He isn’t trying to put anyone on the spot or make them feel uncomfortable. Jesus is simply calling them out to follow Him. Today we recognize the Church to be the body of Christ, as such we must realize we are called out to follow Jesus, that call is personal. Likewise it is given to every Christian past, present and future.

Notice next that Jesus is public with His presence. He uses the illustration of light to explain His calling. Light has a source, think of your flashlight, your table lamp or a spotlight for example. All of them are sources of light that have very specific uses yet they are all readily available. Knowing that every Christian has experienced the light of life notice with me John 8:12 “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Jesus is the source of our light and our life. That should not be difficult for any Christian to wrap their mind or heart around. By following Jesus our life will not be marked by deliberate sin. The phrase “shall not walk” literally means not any more. We are capable of unknowingly getting ourselves into situations that are or can become sinful, this is why we have that beautiful act called repentance. It helps keep our light shining bright, bold and beautiful. His light stands out in our life, He stands out in our life. Let me explain; have you ever been around those who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Their conversation makes you feel uncomfortable, even the Christian who attempts to live a compromised life can’t hide the presence of Jesus in their life. You may not notice it but those around you do. If you’re saved follow Jesus and let His light shine through your life.

Not only is Jesus personal in His approach and public with His presence, Jesus expects light to be proclaimed to the world. Oh yes, it means we should be pointing those who don’t know Jesus to Jesus as Lord and Savior. That does not necessarily mean beating people over the head with a big black Bible. If you can quote Bible from memory fine but use it with godly wisdom. Neither do you compromise the Word of God. Realize your family, friends and co-workers who don’t know Jesus are not going to see Him unless He is seen first through your life. Their sin is no different from ours, we should not be concerned with the type of sin in a person’s life, instead we should be concerned with seeing them repent of all sin and experience the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

How the Lord chooses to use you to accomplish this is up to Him. We need to practice a few things in order for us to be usable. First, live a life that is confessed daily to the Lord, truly live to satisfy His will in your life. Second, don’t try to hide Jesus. His presence is like your family room lighting at night. You may pull the curtains or blinds but if you go outside you can still see light. Third, allow the light of Jesus to glorify God through your life. We have done nothing to earn or deserve salvation, it is truly a free gift. Let’s let the purchaser of that gift the Lord Jesus Christ have all the glory.

Until next month may the Lord bless you is my prayer.

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